Friday, 8 January 2016

Day Four (Friday 4th January)

Firstly I'm sorry to say photographs seem to take for ever to down load, even onto Facebook, so it looks unlikely I shall put in any until the end of the cruise. I'll keep trying though.

All day at sea today, it was pretty rocky last night, not too bad though just a few things rolling about.
As the day has worn on we are a bit calmer, winds are still south westerly around Force 6/7.
According to the information on our location (16.20 UTC), we’re about half way across The Bay, (45’52.45N 007’49.28 W. Course 210’
Travelling direct from Brest across the deeps to A Coruna on the Spanish North West Coast at around 16.8 knots.
So, effectively corner to corner.
We are expecting to arrive in Lisbon at 7pm tomorrow.
Today’s lecture was on Tiger’s, what they have to do with our cruise I don’t know.....unless we’re on the wrong ship!
We must be ok though, because I’ve just handed over our passports. Apparently the Brazilians want advance warning about whose turning up!!
The lecture was interesting though. We missed the afternoon lecture on art as we were in the bar taking interest in those who have joined a “learn to play the ukulele” class!
Dinner tonight is at 18.15. Dress recommendation “informal”
By the way,  we are decontaminated on all occasions when entering the dining areas with a hand wash. They are very keen to ensure we don’t go down with Norovirus Gastroenteritis, and H1N1 influenza (swine flu)
Whilst I remember the four other fellow table guests are Blanche and Gordon from a small village in the Gloucester Cotswolds, for the life of me I can’t remember it’s name. The other couple are Ken and Elaine from Preston. 
So far we think they can put up with us, they seem ok to us too.

As I sign off, the boat is beginning to rock

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