Saturday, 23 January 2016

Manaus. Day Eighteen

Saturday 23rd January

I write this not knowing when I will post it on my blog, no wifi at present. I need to top up my time....I think!
A few people felt much the same as me about yesterday’s shore trip, and a good few of them went ashore anyway.
The four tenders made 18 organised journeys at least between them, to the shore, and when the  need to be organised was completed, you could go ashore anytime there was a tender alongside. A very well organised movement of passengers, each tender has a maximum capacity of 151persons.
We stayed on board and read and a had a couple of drinks.
It was as I suspected, some enjoyed it, and some thought they saw embarrassment in the locals who dressed up in the feathers of tribal dress for photo shoots. All the reason to be I suppose as they are not a tribe! 
Anyway, you pay your money and take your choice.
Today we will be docking in Manaus at around 09.00, it’s now 08:00 and we’ve travelled 5476 nm to find we are at the source of the Amazon, and as far up as we go. 
994 miles from the Atlantic
The city has a population of about 1.5million and was founded by the Portuguese in 1669, and is at the convergence of two rivers the Negro and Solimoes. 
This is where the Amazon starts.
Once again we have a convergence or “Meeting of the waters”, where the two rivers travel side by side for some miles.
This is caused by the difference in temperature, density and the velocity of the two rivers. 
The Negro waters are black, the Solimoes a muddy yellow.
We shall be here for an overnighter, leaving at 17:30 Sunday evening.
This afternoon we shall be on a local riverboat for about an hour to a Lake January an ecological park. 
We then get on a motorised canoe to take us on an unguided ride through small tributaries and creeks into the rain forest.
I’ll report back on that experience when we get back at around 18:00.

Tomorrow we go on a four hour jungle trek!

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