Out of Amazon
07:08 Friday 29th January
Position 02‘16’17 N
049’00‘ 68 W
Course 000’
Speed 14.5kts
We’re now in open water of a depth of 30 metres heading due North and due east of a town called Amapa.
As already mentioned today we are at sea, so we are sitting up on deck 10 under the shelter and well away from those on this deck, and the two above toasting themselves to varying shades of pink and black.
We have a full on side wind from the right, so I’m assuming that it’s an Easterly.
As I sit here and watch the world go by, I see frail ladies and sometimes men fighting to either push the door to the outside deck open, or coming from the deck getting out of the way of the door as it slams back into its jamb.
I like people watching, but I have to say there are many people I don’t like.
Those I don’t like in particular, are those, despite warnings or advice otherwise, seem to think they should be first in the queue, do it anyway, or get impatient when the less mobile are in their way.
After all, we’re on a ship and it’s not as if we’re going anywhere..is it!
Some of the very same people, at least I hope it is, are currently wallowing in their cabins, suffering from drinking some concoction whilst we were at the Boi Bumba.
Despite the warnings not to drink anything that wasn’t in a can or a sealed bottle, I watched them pounce upon the half filled plastic beaker of liquid stuff with a straw stuck in it and go back for seconds.
I suppose it was free!!!!
You may well be coming to the conclusion that I don’t like people, well in the main you are right. Too many have sides that it doesn’t take either of us much to spot.
Pauline has a habit of telling people that, not often in a roundabout way.
I just loose them, or as during my working life, made use of those that could be of some benefit. Either to me or my employers.
We have very few friends, and those we have, I think are the very best of people.
It’s just a shame we don’t see each other as often as we perhaps would like to.
No names no pack drill, I hope they know who they are.
Safe as to say, after 24 days at sea, nobody matches any of them... yet!
What’s that song ? People who need(s) people!
Rant over.
Thoughts of the cruise.
I think I’ve given most of my thoughts already from day one.
The mighty Amazon is certainly a site to see, none of the towns along it’s banks had a great deal to offer, most, if not all, are very poor.
Animal life spotting, is not as hoped, but I’ve already alluded to that, and with the benefit of hindsight should have guessed that when you have hoards of people stomping around a forest you are not going to see a great deal.
So two sloth, and two iguana is not bad I suppose.
Having left the Amazon we won’t be seeing anymore freshwater (blue) dolphin.
We saw plenty of them really, but they are not as “playful” as their sea cousins appear to be.
You only see them when they come to the surface for a breath of air and they literally, for the want of a better simile, just porpoise. They are somewhat smaller too, only about a metre long, if that.
The pink dolphin, I think you only see briefly as they move out of the way of ships and boats, they are somewhat rarer.
So, very much looking forward to the next part of our journey through the Windward Islands.
We will be making daily stop offs and organised tours , just off the top of my head, to the islands of Grenada, St Lucia, St Vincent and Barbados.
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