Sunday 17th January
Over the last 2 days, in one hour sessions, we’ve been learning about the Amazon from a Doctor Louise Bonner, the same doom monger who told us of all the tales of the Bay of Biscay and volcanoes.
No doom and gloom now though, she’s really getting into the swing as a Geographist.
We shall be travelling up the Amazon for about 930 miles, yes 930 miles!
It’s a big, or should I say massive river system.
I bet not many of you know that the gallons of freshwater pouring into the Atlantic Ocean every day is enough to supply freshwater to New York City for 100 years!
That freshwater travels on the surface of the Atlantic for nearly 250 miles (water density etc between fresh and sea water)
Those were the facts that stuck....I didn’t take notes.
It’s massive, and really unexpected as far as I’m concerned, and just shows how much I don’t know about South America.
We’re both suffering colds now, Pauline’s is still worse than mine. The niggly coughs going on around the theatre show it’s quite wide spread too.
It probably also shows, why we are no longer able to help ourselves around the buffets and drinks areas, all served to us.
And still people whinge that they can’t dive in like pigs at a trough.
I’ve read both Reacher books.
I attempted a download of a new one, my guess is I could read it quicker than the download takes. So it’s a good job I’ve brought along my copy of a fishing book to read.
A fool and his eel by Mark Walsingham .
After today we still have 3 more days at sea.
As at 18.00 hours our time, we’ve travelled 3778 nautical miles from Tilbury.
Our position is 09o 13,25” N 037o11,36” W
Travelling at 18.6 knots in a South Westerly direction.
Course 237 degrees.
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